We believe the only real value of a communications solution to the customer is in its ability to improve the overall performance of the organization. The ability to communicate effectively is what separates the best organizations from the rest of the pack. Organizations that have quality communication with clients, suppliers, and internal customers will achieve a profound competitive advantage.
Communications Technology is Evolving Rapidly
Communications technology will advance more in the next five years than it has in the previous 95 years. The most profound innovations of our time are innovations that improve the way we communicate with one another. In parallel to the pace of change in technology, businesses are rapidly evolving their core processes and capabilities to become more competitive. This highly innovative, rapidly evolving environment creates a dynamic situation where it can be tough to know if you’re picking the right communications solution not only for today but for your future as well.
Does It Make Sense to Solve a Dynamic Problem with a Static Solution?
Historically, organizations have purchased a business communication system every 7 to 10 years and tried to solve their dynamic communication needs with a static, point-in-time solution. They purchased a system, received limited training when it was installed, never upgraded its capabilities, and basically limped along with the bare minimum in features and functionality. In addition, they sunk tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars into a depreciating asset that lost 50% of its value upon installation. Today’s leading companies have rejected this approach and are turning to a managed services model for communications services to keep them on the leading edge of technology while at the same time maximizing their employee’s ability to leverage technology for productivity and competitive advantages.
The Platinum Program Overcomes Two of the Greatest Risks of Technology
Communication Plus’s Platinum Program ensures that the technology of today can be renewed, refreshed, or replaced and that you may be able to take advantage of emerging technologies as they become available for one fixed monthly cost. Communication Plus’s Platinum program provides you with a custom turn-key communications solution that will stay current with the latest in technology and grow to keep pace with your business. On top of that, we offer a completely managed system where we offer the hardware along with unlimited technical support, unlimited programming changes, and unlimited training to ensure that the system will grow and evolve along with your business to keep your employees operating at their maximum productivity.